This training manual was produced to share
experiences gained over a number of years by
practitioners in beef cattle production and
management. The conceptual framework of the
manual is based on the work of many development
facilitators and writers in the field of beef cattle
production and management. It was designed for the
practitioner, trainer, as well as people interested in
sustainable rural development, and specifically beef
cattle production. Illustrations in the text are
products of workshops and meetings with rural
communities in beef cattle production across
Zimbabwe, communities in Mbire District and
government extension workers.
The structure of the training manual is such that,
the facilitator is provided with the procedure for planning and conducting sessions on beef cattle
production and management. Experience from the field shows that there are a number of
potential benefits for the people who use the process described in this training manual. For the
grass root communities, the manual gives them the skills to articulate their opinions, to identify
and prioritise their problems and needs and most importantly, to seek ways and means of solving
their problems and provide for their needs with or without outside support. Thus, the
participatory process recommended in this training manual is a way of sharpening the
communities' skills and empowering them to face challenges posed by beef cattle production in
semi-arid areas of Zimbabwe.
For the development worker and extension staff, the training manual reveals immense knowledge
and experience that the grass root communities possess. Given the right attitude, skills and
environment, development workers and extension staff quickly learn that there is knowledge at
the grassroots, although of a different form and nature from what they are accustomed to. With
participatory training, this community knowledge can be identified and integrated in any joint
development effort to improve livelihoods of rural households.
The process outlined in this training manual, if well applied, allows for participation and sharing
of experiences through the use of diverse techniques. We hope the manual will make some
contribution to rural livelihoods by strengthening beef cattle production and marketing activities
and hence incomes.
Alex Mugova
Programme Team Leader
Practical Action Southern Africa
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